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Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Block Diagram


Block Site* Rotation 1/2 Day Clinic Session Per Week
1 Site 1 ONMM Inpatient 3
2 Site 1 ONMM Inpatient 3
3 Site 1-2 Selective Group #1 3
4 Site 1-2 Selective Group #1 3
5 Site 1 Selective Group #2 3
6 Site 1 Selective Group #2 3
7 Site 1 Selective Group #3 3
8 Site 1-2 Elective 3
9 Site 1-2 Elective 3
10 Site 1-2 Elective 3
11 Site 1-2 Elective 3
12 Site 1-2 Elective 3
13 Site 1-2 Elective 3


Site 1: Trinity Health Muskegon Hospital

Site 2: Trinity Health Grand Rapids Hospital

Electives: Acupuncture, Family Medicine, Hospice/Palliative Care, Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Neurosurgery, Psych, Sports Medicine, Gynecology, Surgery, Ortho, ONMM, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neurology

Selective Rotations: Only one rotation in a given specialty or subspecialty may be completed from each group, unless the additional rotation is an elective rotation.

Group #1: Neurological Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine

Group #2: Neurology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Group #3: Radiology

ONMM Continuity Clinic

  • Residents have a panel of patients from all walks of life, starting with infants, and pregnant mothers to the mature population. Residents will treat all manners of diagnoses from aches and tenderness to patients that are recovering from surgery or other forms of trauma.

ONMM Didactic 

  • Protected Didactic time is on Friday afternoons. Content of Didactic sessions includes but is not limited to:
    • Discussion on assigned reading
    • Anatomy presentation on assigned reading
    • Hands-on technique demonstration
    • Journal Club
    • Board review
    • SCS-MSU COM presentation
  • ONMM Journal Club currently meets monthly as part of our Statewide Campus System didactics. Osteopathically relevant articles are chosen and distributed ahead of time for review and discussion.

Core Lectures

  • Core Lectures are held regularly within the hospital system and attendance is required. Topics may include sleep deprivation, wellness, Business of Medicine, etc.

Morbidity and Mortality Committee

  • The Hospital committee meets monthly as a dinner meeting. Residents are required to attend.
  • We will be including Osteopathically relevant M&M case reporting from both in and outpatient cases seen by attendings and residents, in our formal didactic sessions.

American Academy of Osteopathy Convocation

  • The AAO Convocation is held yearly in March. The residents are required to attend and to take the offered in service examination. There is a vast array of cutting-edge information, as well as important networking opportunities to be had from this experience.

Cranial Course

  • We require a 40-hour cranial course to be taken at some point during the residency; however, due to the intensive nature of our plus one program, we are requiring that the ONMM-3 resident come into the program having already taken at least one 40-hour Cranial Academy approved course.

Other Learning Opportunities

  • We strongly encourage the attendance at the meetings of the local medical society and pay the resident's yearly dues to attend the monthly meetings of West Michigan Osteopathic Association. 

  • We encourage and support the taking of off-site ONMM related CME courses and highly encourage and financially support our residents in taking advantage of the rich MSU-COM CME offerings as those offered by other AOA, AAO approved programs.